4,618 research outputs found

    Animal-Robot Interactions: Electrocommunication, Sensory Ecology, and Group Dynamics in a Mormyrid Weakly Electric Fish

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    Mormyrid weakly electric fish possess a specialized electrosensory system. During the process of active electrolocation, these animals perceive self-generated electric organ dis-charges (EOD) and are thereby able to detect objects in their nearby environment. The EOD is a short, biphasic pulse, which is simultaneously used to communicate with conspe-cifics. There are two principles according to which information exchange occurs during electrocommunication. The waveform of the EOD constitutes a relatively stable identity marker that signals species, gender, and status of an individual. In contrast, the temporal sequence of inter-discharge intervals (IDI) is highly variable and encodes context-specific information. Modifications of IDI-duration not only alter the instantaneous discharge fre-quency but also enable the generation of specific signaling patterns and interactive dis-charge sequences. One such interactive discharge behavior is the so-called echo response, during which a fish responds with a constant latency of only a few milliseconds to the EOD of a conspecific. Animals can synchronize their signaling sequences by mutually generating echoes to each other's signals over a coherent period. Although active electrolocation and electrocommunication are mediated by different types of electroreceptor organs and neural pathways, an unambiguous assignment of electromotor behavior to only one of the two functions is often problematic. In this thesis, the significance of IDI-based signaling sequences during motor and electro-motor interactions of the mormyrid fish Mormyrus rume proboscirostris were investigated. To this end, different electrical playback sequences of species-specific EODs were generated via mobile fish dummies, and the motor and electromotor responses of live fish were analyzed. In Part One of this thesis, electrocommunication strategies of the fish were analyzed, and particularly the functions of double pulses, discharge regularizations, and echo responses were examined in an adaptive context. Double pulses were classified as an aggressive mo-tivation signal, whereas regularizations may have a communicative function during the early stages of the sequential assessment of a potential opponent. In this context, discharge synchronization by means of echo responses may enable a mutual assessment for the net benefit of both contestants. Because echo responses occur in various behavioral contexts, and artificial echoes of the dummy evoked increased echoing by the fish, it was hypothesized that the echo response serves a more general purpose by enabling mutual allocation of social attention between two fish. In Part Two of this thesis, a biomimetic robotic fish was designed to investigate the senso-ry basis on which fish followed the dummy. It was shown that electrical playback signals induced following-behavior in live fish, whereas biomimetic motility patterns had no ef-fect. By subsequently reducing the mobile dummy to only the electric signaling sequence from the perspective of the fish, it could be shown that passive perception of electrical communication signals is also involved in mediating the spatial coordination of social in-teractions. This passive perception is likely mediated by the same electroreceptor organs that are used during electrocommunication. The EOD can therefore be considered to be an essential social stimulus that makes it possible to integrate a dummy into a group of weak-ly electric fish as an artificial conspecific. The influence of an interactively signaling mobile dummy fish on small groups of up to four individuals was investigated in Part Three of this thesis. Typical schooling behavior was a rare occurrence in this context. However, EOD-synchronizations through mutual echo responses between two fish, or between a fish and the interactive dummy, were fre-quently observed during social interactions in small groups. Motor interactions during synchronization episodes supported the hypothesis that mormyrids may use discharge synchronizations between individuals to allocate social attention, and the echo response may thus adopt a particularly useful function during communication in groups.Schwach elektrische Fisch aus der Familie der Mormyriden verfĂŒgen ĂŒber ein spezialisier-tes elektrosensorisches Sinnessystem. In einem Prozess, der als aktive Elektroortung be-zeichnet wird, sind diese Tiere in der Lage, selbstgenerierte elektrische Organentladungen (EOD) wahrzunehmen, und dadurch Objekte in ihrer unmittelbaren NĂ€he zu detektieren. Das EOD ist ein kurzer bipolarer Puls, der gleichzeitig auch zur Kommunikation mit Artge-nossen dient. Informationsaustausch wĂ€hrend der Elektrokommunikation basiert auf zwei verschiedenen Prinzipien: Die Wellenform des EOD stellt einen relativ konstanten Identi-tĂ€tsmarker dar, der beispielsweise Art, Geschlecht und Status eines Individuums signali-siert. Die zeitliche Abfolge der Intervalle zwischen den EODs ist hingegen höchst variabel und kodiert kontextspezifische Information. Durch Modifikation der Intervalldauer Ă€ndert sich nicht nur die Entladungsfrequenz, sondern es können auch spezifische Signalmuster und interaktive Entladungssequenzen generiert werden. Ein interaktives Entladungsver-halten stellt beispielsweise die Echoantwort dar, bei der ein Fisch mit einer konstanten Latenz von wenigen Millisekunden auf das EOD eines Artgenossen reagiert. Zwei Tiere können ihre Entladungssequenzen synchronisieren, indem sie ihre Signale ĂŒber einen kohĂ€renten Zeitraum gegenseitig mit Echos beantworten. Obwohl aktive Elektroortung und Elektrokommunikation ĂŒber unterschiedliche Rezeptororgansysteme und neuronale Pfade vermittelt werden, ist eine eindeutige Zuordnung der elektromotorischen Verhal-tensĂ€ußerungen der Fische zu nur einer der beiden Funktionen oft problematisch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung intervallbasierter EOD-Sequenzen fĂŒr motorische und elektromotorische Interaktionen des Mormyriden Mormyrus rume proboscirostris erforscht. Hierzu wurden verschiedene elektrische Playbacksequenzen artspezifischer EODs generiert und durch mobile Fischattrappen wiedergegeben. Die mo-torischen und elektromotorischen Verhaltensreaktionen der Fische wurden analysiert. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Elektrokommunikationsstrategien der Fische analysiert und die adaptive Funktion insbesondere von Doppelpulsen, Entladungsregularisierungen und Echoantworten untersucht. Doppelpulse wurden als aggressives Motivationssignal kategorisiert, wohingegen die Kommunikationsfunktion von Regularisierungen im gegen-seitigen EinschĂ€tzen zu Beginn einer kompetitiven Begegnung zu liegen scheint. Entla-dungssynchronisation durch gegenseitige Echoantworten kann dabei eine EinschĂ€tzung des GegenĂŒbers zum Vorteil beider Parteien erleichtern. Da Echoantworten in verschiede-nen Verhaltenssituationen auftreten und artifizielle Echoantworten der Attrappe vermehrt zu Echos vonseiten der Fische fĂŒhrten, wurde postuliert, dass die Echoantwort eine generellere Funktion bei der Fokussierung gegenseitiger sozialer Aufmerksamkeit ĂŒber-nehmen kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde ein biomimetischer Fischroboter konstruiert, um zu untersuchen, auf welcher sensorischen Grundlage die Fische der Attrappe folgen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass elektrische Playbacksignale, nicht aber biomimetische Bewe-gungsmuster, Folgeverhalten der Fische induzieren. In einem weiteren Schritt konnte durch die Reduktion der Attrappe auf die elektrischen Signalsequenzen aus der Perspektive der Versuchsfische gezeigt werden, dass passive Wahrnehmung elektrischer Kommu-nikationssignale auch bei der rĂ€umlichen Koordination sozialer Interaktionen von Bedeu-tung ist. Dies wird mutmaßlich ĂŒber die gleichen Rezeptororgane vermittelt, die auch fĂŒr die Elektrokommunikation verantwortlich sind. Das EOD kann daher als ein soziales Signal betrachtet werden, das es ermöglicht, eine Attrappe als kĂŒnstlichen Artgenossen in eine Gruppe schwach elektrischer Fische zu integrieren. Der Einfluss einer elektrisch interaktiven mobilen Fischattrappe auf kleine Gruppen von bis zu vier Individuen wurde im dritten Teil der Arbeit getestet. Typisches Schwarmver-halten konnte in diesem Zusammenhang nur selten beobachtet werden. In kleinen Gruppen kam es wĂ€hrend sozialer Interaktionen jedoch hĂ€ufig zu EOD-Synchronisationen durch Echoantworten zwischen zwei Fischen, oder zwischen einem Fisch und der interaktiven Attrappe. Motorische Verhaltensinteraktionen im Zeitraum dieser Synchronisationen stĂŒtzen die Hypothese, dass Mormyriden durch elektrische Entladungssynchronisation soziale Aufmerksamkeit zwischen Individuen herstellen können, und die Echoantwort somit besonders in Gruppen eine nĂŒtzliche Kommunikationsfunktion ĂŒbernehmen kann

    Electric signal synchronization as a behavioural strategy to generate social attention in small groups of mormyrid weakly electric fish and a mobile fish robot

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    African weakly electric fish communicate at night by constantly emitting and perceiving brief electrical signals (electric organ discharges, EOD) at variable inter-discharge intervals (IDI). While the waveform of single EODs contains information about the sender’s identity, the variable IDI patterns convey information about its current motivational and behavioural state. Pairs of fish can synchronize their EODs to each other via echo responses, and we have previously formulated a ‘social attention hypothesis’ stating that fish use echo responses to address specific individuals and establish brief dyadic communication frameworks within a group. Here, we employed a mobile fish robot to investigate the behaviour of small groups of up to four Mormyrus rume and characterized the social situations during which synchronizations occurred. An EOD-emitting robot reliably evoked social following behaviour, which was strongest in smaller groups and declined with increasing group size. We did not find significant differences in motor behaviour of M. rume with either an interactive playback (echo response) or a random control playback by the robot. Still, the robot reliably elicited mutual synchronizations with other fish. Synchronizations mostly occurred during relatively close social interactions, usually when the fish that initiated synchronization approached either the robot or another fish from a distance. The results support our social attention hypothesis and suggest that electric signal synchronization might facilitate the exchange of social information during a wide range of social behaviours from aggressive territorial displays to shoaling and even cooperative hunting in some mormyrids

    Human Rights-Based Evaluation in German and International Development Cooperation: Literature Review

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    This literature review aims to summarise current knowledge on a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to evaluation and improve the basis for further conceptual discussions on this approach. To this end, we reviewed strategies and (publicly available) guidelines of multilateral and bilateral development actors, relevant tools for human rights in monitoring and evaluation, research articles, and evaluation reports published between 2014 and 2021

    A global map to aid the identification and screening of critical habitat for marine industries

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    Marine industries face a number of risks that necessitate careful analysis prior to making decisions on the siting of operations and facilities. An important emerging regulatory framework on environmental sustainability for business operations is the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard 6 (IFC PS6). Within PS6, identification of biodiversity significance is articulated through the concept of “Critical Habitat”, a definition developed by the IFC and detailed through criteria aligned with those that support internationally accepted biodiversity designations. No publicly available tools have been developed in either the marine or terrestrial realm to assess the likelihood of sites or operations being located within PS6-defined Critical Habitat. This paper presents a starting point towards filling this gap in the form of a preliminary global map that classifies more than 13 million km2 of marine and coastal areas of importance for biodiversity (protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas [KBA], sea turtle nesting sites, cold- and warm-water corals, seamounts, seagrass beds, mangroves, saltmarshes, hydrothermal vents and cold seeps) based on their overlap with Critical Habitat criteria, as defined by IFC. In total, 5798×103 km2 (1.6%) of the analysis area (global ocean plus coastal land strip) were classed as Likely Critical Habitat, and 7526×103 km2 (2.1%) as Potential Critical Habitat; the remainder (96.3%) were Unclassified. The latter was primarily due to the paucity of biodiversity data in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction and/or in deep waters, and the comparatively fewer protected areas and KBAs in these regions. Globally, protected areas constituted 65.9% of the combined Likely and Potential Critical Habitat extent, and KBAs 29.3%, not accounting for the overlap between these two features. Relative Critical Habitat extent in Exclusive Economic Zones varied dramatically between countries. This work is likely to be of particular use for industries operating in the marine and coastal realms as an early screening aid prior to in situ Critical Habitat assessment; to financial institutions making investment decisions; and to those wishing to implement good practice policies relevant to biodiversity management. Supplementary material (available online) includes other global datasets considered, documentation and justification of biodiversity feature classification, detail of IFC PS6 criteria/scenarios, and coverage calculations

    Lifestyle factors and high-risk atherosclerosis: Pathways and mechanisms beyond traditional risk factors

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    Despite major efforts to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) burden with conventional risk factor control, significant residual risk remains. Recent evidence on non-traditional determinants of cardiometabolic health has advanced our understanding of lifestyle-disease interactions. Chronic exposure to environmental stressors like poor diet quality, sedentarism, ambient air pollution and noise, sleep deprivation and psychosocial stress affect numerous traditional and non-traditional intermediary pathways related to ASCVD. These include body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength and functionality and the intestinal microbiome, which are increasingly recognized as major determinants of cardiovascular health. Evidence points to partially overlapping mechanisms, including effects on inflammatory and nutrient sensing pathways, endocrine signalling, autonomic function and autophagy. Of particular relevance is the potential of low-risk lifestyle factors to impact on plaque vulnerability through altered adipose tissue and skeletal muscle phenotype and secretome. Collectively, low-risk lifestyle factors cause a set of phenotypic adaptations shifting tissue cross-talk from a proinflammatory milieu conducive for high-risk atherosclerosis to an anti-atherogenic milieu. The ketone body ß-hydroxybutyrate, through inhibition of the NLRP-3 inflammasome, is likely to be an intermediary for many of these observed benefits. Adhering to low-risk lifestyle factors adds to the prognostic value of optimal risk factor management, and benefit occurs even when the impact on conventional risk markers is discouragingly minimal or not present. The aims of this review are (a) to discuss novel lifestyle risk factors and their underlying biochemical principles and (b) to provide new perspectives on potentially more feasible recommendations to improve long-term adherence to low-risk lifestyle factors

    Using a PBL perspective in continuing education for science and mathematics lower secondary teachers

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    For years, the need for inquiry- and problem-based learning (PBL) in primary and lower secondary education, within science and mathematics, has been addressed worldwide and requires support from a range of pedagogical sources. One important basis for such support is continuing teacher education. Thepresent research builds upon data froma nationwide qualitative investigation (HesselholtHenneHansen et al., 2019), conducted as part of a feasibility study aimed at initiating a new STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) graduate teacher programme in Denmark, leading to a Master of Science (MSc)in STEM teaching. The investigation identified continuing education needs of science and mathematics teachers and student teachers. We looked into the results of the qualitative portion of the feasibility study and investigated whether and how problem-based learning was being emphasized as comprising desirablecontent areas for continuing teacher education. Data were collected from 35 group interviews with 66 respondents: teachers from public and private schools, and teacher students. The results showed that PBL stands out as a desirable focus area. Other student teachers expressed an interest in including didacticbased topics that are related to PBL, e.g. differentiated teaching, engineering design, technology, and information communication technology [ICT] within STEM education. Furthermore, respondents expressed their desire for collaboration with other subjects (e.g. Danish and social sciences) ininterdisciplinary teaching and, as well, the opportunity to immerse themselvesin academic topics such as education for sustainability, climate education, technology, and including specific experiences with applied science, mathematics and recent research. Without being able to make a quantitative statement, it must also be mentioned that some teachers expressed no need or desire for further education

    A straw drift chamber spectrometer for studies of rare kaon decays

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    We describe the design, construction, readout, tests, and performance of planar drift chambers, based on 5 mm diameter copperized Mylar and Kapton straws, used in an experimental search for rare kaon decays. The experiment took place in the high-intensity neutral beam at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron of Brookhaven National Laboratory, using a neutral beam stop, two analyzing dipoles, and redundant particle identification to remove backgrounds

    Search for the Weak Decay of an H Dibaryon

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    We have searched for a neutral HH dibaryon decaying via H→ΛnH\to\Lambda n and H→Σ0nH\to\Sigma^0 n. Our search has yielded two candidate events from which we set an upper limit on the HH production cross section. Normalizing to the inclusive Λ\Lambda production cross section, we find (dσH/dΩ)/(dσΛ/dΩ)<6.3×10−6(d\sigma_H/d\Omega) / (d\sigma_\Lambda/d\Omega) < 6.3\times 10^{-6} at 90% C.L., for an HH of mass ≈\approx 2.15 GeV/c2c^2.Comment: 11 pages, 6 postscript figures, epsfig, aps, preprint, revte

    First Observation of the Rare Decay Mode K-long -> e+ e-

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    In an experiment designed to search for and study very rare two-body decay modes of the K-long, we have observed four examples of the decay K-long -> e+ e-, where the expected background is 0.17+-0.10 events. This observation translates into a branching fraction of 8.7^{+5.7}_{-4.1} X 10^{-12}, consistent with recent theoretical predictions. This result represents by far the smallest branching fraction yet measured in particle physics.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
